“TLC Kids Therapy began as a labor of love to help children with special needs. I believe every child has a voice, if only we listen, and that behavior is a type of communication, if only we can figure out what they are trying to tell us. Every child can move, so we must figure out how to help them. Every child deserves to be loved and cherished, and deserves the chance to live their best life. I believe families of children with special needs are also special: they face extra challenges and need extra support. Our mission at TLC is to be a blessing to these children and their families. I believe that miracles can happen!
Robbie Dunn is an Occupational Therapist with 37 years of experience. Occupational Therapy has been her calling since she was 16 years old, and her heart has always been with the children. She has worked in schools, pediatric home health and hospitals through the years. Robbie owns TLC Kids Therapy with her husband, Lloyd. He provides business support so that she can focus on helping the children.
What we specialize in:
Pelvic Floor
Beckman Oral Motor Protocol
Brain gym
Learning breakthrough
Craniosacral therapy
TLC Food School using Sequential Oral
Sensory approach (SOS)
Interactive metronome
Myofascial release
Modified music programs
Listening systems & programs
Reflex integration
Sensory integration
Vestibular training
Pain management
Picky eating
Difficulties with breastfeeding
Coordinating suck, swallow, breathing cycle at the breast/during bottle feeds
Food aversions and refusuals
Avoidance of texture and smels
Oral motor skills
Gagging and vomitting
Limited food repertorie
Craniosacral Therapy
Cognitive Skills: attention, sequencing, problem solving
Developmental delays
Gross Motor Skills: balance. coordination, strength & endurance
Fine Motor Skills: handwriting, drawing, typing
Visual motor & visual perceptual skills
Neuromuscular re-education
Play and Social skills
Reflex integration
Sensory processing disorders
Self care skils
Communication Skills
Social Skills
Self-help Skills
Play and Leisure
School Readiness
Challenging Behavior
Range of Motion
Gross Motor Skills
Strength and Muscle Tone
Gait, Mobility, and Stability
Toe Walking
Sports Injuries
Orthopedic Conditions
Neuromuscular Disorders
Expressive and Receptive Language
Conversation Skills
Non-verbal Communication
Augmented Alternative Communication (AAC) Device Training
Articulation and Clarity of Speech
Social Appropriateness with Conversations
Feeding and Oral Motor Skills
PROMPT Techniques